Dental Bridges Procedure

How Dental Bridges are installedBefore the advances of modern dentistry, getting this type of restoration would usually require two visits. Now, with the advances of CAD/CAM and other technologies, this procedure is now possible in just a single visit. Read more about dental bridges.

To learn more about how they are attached, take a look at the following steps:

1. Healing and Recovery – Healing is needed in cases where a tooth was freshly extracted. The gum is given time to fully heal before starting the procedure.

2. Anesthesia – After the gum has healed completely, the procedure will begin by desensitization of the abutment tooth. During this process, one or more shots of local anesthetic will be given in the gums surrounding the abutments. Then, your dentist will wait for the anesthesia to take effect, and check if the area is completely numb.

3. Trimming the Abutment Teeth – Once the gums are numb, the pain-free procedure will begin. This will start by trimming the abutment ones for the placement of the crown. They will be shaped parallel to each other to facilitate the simultaneous mounting of the crown.

4. Impression – After the abutments and the gum space is prepared, an impression will be made. This impression will be taken by your dentist and will be sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of your prosthesis. The specifications as to the color of the surrounding teeth and the materials will be attached together with this information.

5. Temporary Prosthesis – The process of trimming removes a thin layer of enamel from it, leaving sometimes leaving them feeling weak and sensitive. To prevent sensitivity, your dentist will produce a temporary placement from the impression taken and fit it right onto the area. So don’t worry you will not leave the clinic without a tooth.

6. Construction – Through the impression delivered by the dentist, it will be produced. It could take a couple of weeks to complete this process.

7. Fitting – Once it is ready, the temporary appliance will be removed and will be replaced by the permanent one. Fitting of the permanent prosthesis will be done to check whether it fits or if it is painful. In case this happens, adjustments will be made. Once it is comfortably placed, it will now be cemented permanently.

8. Check-Up Visit – Then, you will be scheduled for a checkup after a few months to see if it caused any pain or discomfort, or if any necessary adjustments have to be made.