There are easy ways to get tooth pain relief at home. Toothache is any pain felt in and around the tooth caused by dental decay, abscess, nerve irritation, or tooth removal. Using alternative home remedies helps with swelling and pain when you have a toothache. Prolonged toothache needs to be treated by a dentist to prevent further complications.

How to Relieve Tooth Pain Fast At Home?

Home remedies for toothaches numb the painful area, reduce tooth swelling and kill harmful bacteria in the mouth. Tooth pain relief at home is achieved using ingredients that are naturally available. Check with your doctor if home remedies for toothache are safe to use during pregnancy.

Here are the top 7 home remedies for your toothache.

  • Cold compress – Cold compress minimizes swelling around the tooth. Cold compress works by constricting blood vessels around the tooth to numb the pain. Cold compress is applied to the area of swelling for 10-15 minutes frequently throughout the day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide rinse – A hydrogen peroxide solution targets harmful bacteria in the mouth. A hydrogen peroxide rinse is an effective at home remedy for toothaches brought on by infected gums and inflamed gums. Children should not use hydrogen peroxide rinse due to the risk of swallowing. Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds with a solution of equal parts water and 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Saltwater rinse – Tooth pain is reduced by a saltwater solution. A mouthwash made of saltwater clears away food debris that has been lodged between the teeth. A saltwater solution is made by mixing warm water and a half teaspoon of salt. The saltwater rinse is swished in the mouth for 30 seconds to reduce swelling from a toothache.
  • Garlic – Garlic relieves toothaches at home by targeting the bacteria that cause dental plaque. Garlic acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Garlic is chewed fresh or applied to the swelling to reduce tooth pain.
  • Clove oil – Clove oil contains eugenol, which has antibacterial properties that lessen inflammation in a toothache. Apply clove oil to a cotton ball and dab it on the affected area until tooth pain is alleviated. Another all-natural remedy for tooth pain is a mouthwash made of water and clove oil.
  • Peppermint tea bags – Peppermint contains menthol, which has numbing properties that soothe sore gums. Apply a warm peppermint tea bag to the swollen gum to reduce toothache inflammation.
  • Vanilla extract – Vanilla extract has anti-inflammatory characteristics to target tooth pain swelling. Apply the vanilla extract to the painful tooth area with a cotton ball or your finger.

What are Alternative Remedies for Toothache?

Oral drugs and over-the-counter products are alternative home remedies for toothaches. A toothache is a pain around the tooth and gums. The causes of tooth pain include dental decay, abscess, nerve irritation, or tooth removal. A dentist should be consulted right away to treat severe Toothaches.

Does Heat Stop a Toothache?

Using a heat pack after a cold compress helps with tooth pain. Heat encourages blood flow to the toothache area and promotes healing. Heat should not be used for infection-related toothache. You should see your dentist if you have a toothache caused by an infection.

Does Ibuprofen Stop a Toothache?

Ibuprofen is a fast toothache solution at home for minor to moderate tooth pain. Ibuprofen lessens swelling to alleviate tooth pain at night.

Does Bonjela Stop a Toothache?

A gel called Bonjela is used to relieve toothaches brought on by periodontal tissue inflammation or infection. Bonjela addresses symptoms of infection when applied to the gums. Visit your dentist as soon as possible for tooth pain caused by an infection.

Does Aspirin Stop a Toothache?

Aspirin is an oral analgesic used to treat tooth pain at home. Applying aspirin straight to the toothache region is not advised. Direct application of aspirin leads to chemical burns in the mouth.

Does Coconut Oil Stop a Toothache?

Coconut oil is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps toothaches at home. Use coconut oil as a mouthwash for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water to remove the coconut oil residue in your mouth.

When To Go to a Dentist for Your Toothache?

You have to see your dentist if your tooth pain persists for more than two days. Prolonged toothache is a sign of a problem that needs to be treated by a dentist. Dr. Shiney George of Highland Oak Dental is an expert in toothaches and other Dental Emergency.