What is Tooth decay?

Each time you eat food, you are at risk of developing tooth decay. Tooth decay is a common oral health issue that occurs when the outer layers of the teeth start to dissolve due to the acids created by bacteria from the food particles left in your mouth. Tooth decay is now becoming less and less of an issue nowadays due to its widespread awareness of the effects of this oral health disease. Nevertheless, one in three adults have tooth decay during their lifetime, and one in four kids under are susceptible to getting this condition.

Every food you consume gives you an opportunity to make a better choice. Unhealthy foods are prone to developing bacteria inside your mouth, which when combined with saliva forms plaque. The bacteria in plaque will form carbohydrates that turn it into energy that produce acids that can decay the tooth.

Brushing your teeth regularly will remove most of the plaque, but when the plaque continues to build up, it will eat away the surface of your teeth. Here’s how they eat away your teeth:

  • The plaque soften the enamel and take away any essential minerals.
  • It makes small holes known as cavities that can lead to toothache later in life

The decay usually starts at the back of your mouth on the molars and premolars region. Cavities will have been already in your teeth, but it doesn’t have any symptoms. Therefore, you’ll notice the symptoms only when the condition gets worse and during that time, it is already too late to fix it.

What are the Types of Tooth decay treatments

Tooth decay is treated with endodontics therapy. The severity of the condition will determine the appropriate treatment. In its early stage, your specialist will prescribe professional-strength fluoride toothpaste to stop the teeth from developing decay further. If the decay has completely damaged the enamel, it will create a cavity in which the specialist will use professional equipment to remove the soft decay and fill in that part of the tooth. If there is nerve damage, a more advanced treatment will be performed such as a root canal. This will get rid of the nerve or it may be given time to heal and restore it using a dental filling or crown. If the tooth cannot be repaired, it will immediately be extracted.

How You Can Avoid Tooth Decay

The best way to prevent tooth decay is to maintain proper oral hygiene. Proper teeth care involves brushing, flossing, and rinsing the teeth twice a day. Brushing your teeth will help to get rid of plaque in the surface of the teeth. When brushing the teeth, take your time at around 3 minutes to thoroughly get rid of bacteria. Brush in the morning and at night, or brush your teeth after every meal. Flossing can also help to maintain clean teeth as it helps remove food particles stuck in between the teeth that any toothbrush won’t be able to reach. Rinsing alcohol-free mouthwash or those that contain fluoride can prevent tooth decay.

However, choose a different time to use mouthwash, like after lunch or in the evening. You should not eat or drink for half an hour after rinsing with mouthwash.

You should also be aware of your diet. If you limit your sugar intake and unhealthy foods to help you decrease the chance of developing this condition. Sugary foods and drinks are ok sometimes, but not with every meal. Also, it is helpful to plan menus and shop accordingly. Organic foods are better for your teeth since the food that you are eating is grown without pesticides. Schedule an appointment