Tooth extraction is a dental procedure whereby it is extracted from its socket (dental alveolus). It is common among children to have theirs extracted because their teeth are still growing. However, teenagers and adults may need to have theirs removed especially when they cause problems. Learn more about gentle teeth removal.

Your permanent teeth are made to last for a lifetime are but there could be a number of reasons when extraction becomes necessary. Extraction is the only option available when their condition has deteriorated to its worst, leaving no other viable option available. For example, your dentist may be able to save one, which may be damaged or decayed, by a filling, crown, or any other dental treatment. However, if the damage is extensive and repairs cannot be conducted by the dentist he or she will have no option but to extract it from its socket in the bone. Given below are some other reasons when total extraction becomes necessary.

situations that require tooth removal
  • Crowded Mouth. The dentist will need to extract some of them to prepare the most room for orthodontia. This is essential for the teeth to be aligned properly. If one cannot erupt because there isn’t enough space the dentist will need to pull one or more from the mouth.
  • Solution to Periodontal Disease. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums and other structures that surround the teeth. The initial sign of periodontal disease is gingivitis whereby the gums are infected. The disease can also affect the alveolar bone and periodontal ligaments in severe cases. The disease can cause them to loosen in some cases. In such conditions the extraction of the affected one becomes necessary.
  • Precautions for preventing further infection. If the decay or damage leads to the center of the tooth where the nerves and blood vessels are located bacteria can enter the pulp leading to an infection. This problem can often be fixed by using the root canal therapy (RCT) but if the infection is extremely severe and cannot be resolved by an RCT extraction will be needed to prevent the infection from spreading.
  • Help for an impacted tooth. These are generally blocked from erupting from the gums thus preventing them from erupting. This is usually the case with your wisdom teeth. Your dentist will recommend extracting the impacted one as a measure to prevent it from damaging the others further.
  • Essential treatment after an accident. When patients get involved in an accident, such as a collision, priority is given for preserving the patient’s teeth. Dentists will perform any therapy needed such as dental bonding, grounds, veneers, or bridges to rectify the problem. However, if the condition of them is dreadful an extraction becomes necessary.

What Can Be Expected During Tooth Extraction

The process is not as intimidating or scary as believed by most people. It is usually a quick and painless procedure.

Your dentist will initially give you a local anesthetic to numb the area in your mouth to ensure you do not experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure. If you have several impacted ones which need to be removed your dentist may opt to give you a general anesthetic to make you sleep during the procedure.

The dentist will begin pulling them when the anesthesia becomes fully effective. You will not feel anything when they are being extracted from the mouth. You may, however, experience some sensation and pressure. The feeling of pressure will not cause you to feel any discomfort during the procedure.

The dentist places a gauze on the empty socket and will ask you to bite it down to stop the bleeding. There may be instances where the gum needs to be stitched to prevent further bleeding.

After the extraction has been completed and the bleeding has stopped it will be safe for you to go home.

How Long Does It Take For the Extraction?

If a single tooth is to be extracted it may just take around 20 to 40 minutes. However, if multiple have to be extracted you can expect to spend some extra time in the dental office.